Custom Made Equipment Fabrication Ashoka Machines
Custom Made Equipment Fabrication

Custom Made Equipment Fabrication – CUSTOMIZED EQUIPMENT

ASHOKA specializes in manufacturing custom equipment fabrication process machinery  for various industries including cement plants, sugar plants, steel plants, power plants, paper plants, chemical and mineral processing plants, mining and ore processing etc.

Custom Heavy fabrication is carried exactly as per detailed designs supplied by the Client. In house machining to attain accurately finished sizes on special purpose machines post custom fabrication is also undertaken under the same roof. Various custom grades of steels as per national and international standard are used. All plates and sections are of tested quality from well recognized suppliers including European suppliers.

Various Custom Made Equipment Fabrication Equipment As Mentioned Below :

Type of Equipment Various custom equipment for various custom applications can be manufactured by ASHOKA such as :

Ball mill and rod mill shells
Rotary kiln shells
Coolers and dryers
Bucket Elevator
Heavy Fan Casings
Cyclones and Classifiers
Rotary Sluice & Airlocks
Grate Cooler Structures
Heavy Equipment Base Frames
Rotors & Impeller Structures/Parts
Rotary Mud Filters
Crane Rope Drums

Custom Made Equipment Fabrication Materials

Various custom grades of steels as per national and international standard are used. All plates and sections are of tested quality from well recognized suppliers including European suppliers. Some of the common custom grades of steels used are-  :

IS 2062 Grade A/B/C
IS 2002 Grade I/II/III Boiler Quality
ASME SA 516 Grade 60/65/70
ASTM A 516 Grade 60/65/70
Rolling Capacity Upto 100 mm Th x 3500mm L on 3 roller rolling machine
Welding Technique Submerged metal Arc, MIG, TIG 2 mm to 8 mm electrodes
Welder Qualification WPS Qualified (attested and approved by third party inspection agency)
Weld tests
  • Radiography
  • Ultrasonic testing
  • Bend testing
  • 100% on weld joints
Lifting Capacity
  • Overhead hook cranes upto 75 MT lifting capacity
  • 2 Bays with 75 MT, 1 bay with 25 MT
Dynamic Balancing Up to 2500 mm diameter
Sand Blasting Chamber size of 7000 mm x 7000 mm
Stress Relieving Furnace size of 4000 mm x 8000 mm