Process Equipment Boilers Manufacturers – BOILERS
ASHOKA one of the leading Steam Generator Boiler Manufacturers In India, supplies steam generation boilers for industrial applications where steam for the process is required such as sugar plants, rice mills, pulp, paper, chemical, food industries etc. Boilers are designed based on a number of factors including- capacity of steam generation, exit pressure of steam, type of fuel, type of feeding of fuel, type of construction etc.
Process Equipment Boilers Manufacturers, Various forms and types of fuels can be used for firing of the boiler depending upon the availability and economic feasibility. Bagasse (from cane), Wood Chips, Paddy Husks, Goundnut Shell, Cocoa Shell, Saw Dust, Coal, Lignite etc. Steam generator Larger capacities boilers and high pressure boilers are used for cogeneration of process steam and power using a suitable turbine Modulating cyclo motor for Spreader Dampers.
Process Equipment Boilers Manufacturers Industrial Boilers |
Supply Range | ASHOKA can supply boilers starting within the following range:
Type of Fuels Used | Various forms and types of fuels can be used for firing of the boiler depending upn the availability and economic feasibility. Some of the commonly used fuels are-
Bagasse (from cane), Wood Chips, Paddy Husks, Goundnut Shell, Cocoa Shell, Saw Dust, Coal, Lignite etc. |
AFBC Boilers | § Bi-drum or Single Drum, Water Tube, Natural circulation top or bottom supported design,
§ Better evaporator design for better reliability, § Suitable for saturated and superheater steam for cogeneration and captive power plants, § Multifuel firing options, § Underbed or Overbed fuel feed system, § Bottom Hopper Design for specific applications, § Optimum combustion with staged Secondary Air System. |
Bi-Drum Boilers
Travelling Grate Boilers |
Dumping Grate Boilers |