Sugar Plant Project Manufacturers India – VACUUM BOILING METHOD
One of the by products, bagasse, produced after extracting the juice from sugar cane is used as fuel to generate steam in factories. Increasingly large amounts of bagasse are being made into paper, insulating board, and hardboard. Molasses, another by-product, is used in cattle feed as well as in the production of industrial alcohol, yeast, organic chemicals, and rum.
ASHOKA one of the leading Sugar Plant Project Manufacturers India, offers one stop solution for modern & right from concept to commissioning. After obtaining the broad requirements from a prospect client the most suitable project in terms of capacity and equipment selection are worked upon by our specialists and experienced consultants.
Cane Reception & Milling
1.1 | Sugar Cane is received through road vehicles such as tractor trailers, trucks, ox-carts etc. and is weighed on a lorry weighing machine (also referred to as weigh bridge). It is then unloaded in the plant with the help of a mini cane unloader (either a movable vehicle type cane unloader in the plant or a grab type EOT crane). The unwanted materials such as soils, soft rocks, leaves etc. are cleaned in the plant machinery from the cane with the help of water (at times water jets are used for better cleaning) after which the cane is fed onto the cane carrier. |
1.2 | Cane is prepared for milling by the help of a set of mini and full cutting knives called cutters and a fibrizor before it is fed into a tandem of three or four roller crusher mills which are driven by electric motors coupled with gear reducers. |
1.3 | Compound imbibitions employing choke less type pumps are utilized to screen the mixed unfiltered juice with the help of a screen (DSM or rotary type screen). If required, the juice may then be weighed with the help of weighing scale equipment. |
1.4 | The bagasse generated from cane crushing is conveyed to the feeding chute of the boilers with the help of a return bagasse carrier. Adjustable plant screens may be used in the conveyor to remove the bagacillo for use with mud filtration. The excess bagasse not being used may be stored and later reclaimed by introducing the desired quantity onto the bagasse carrier. Sugar Plant Project Manufacturers India. |
Juice Treatment, Clarification & Evaporation
2.1 | The mixed juice from the plants in the mills, a dark green colour, is acidic and impure thus clarification to remove both soluble and insoluble impurities (such as sand, soil, and ground rock) that have not been removed by preliminary screening has to be carried out. The process employs heat and lime as the clarifying agents and their mixture is separately prepared with the help of a sulphur oven, lime agitator and twin lobe blower. Mixed juice is weighed and heated in the plant in juice heater(s) (also termed as primary heating) and pumped to a sulphitation reactor where milk of lime is introduced onto the mixed juice to neutralize the natural acidity of the juice, forming insoluble lime salts. SO2 is made to bubble through the bottom of the tank to reduce the Ph of the juice to about 6.8 – 7.0. |
2.2 | After neutralization the juice is then heated to about 1000C in the plant (also termed as secondary heating) as boiling coagulates the albumin and some of the fats, waxes, and gums, and the precipitate formed entraps suspended solids as well as the minute particles. |
2.3 | The juice is then transferred in the sugar plant machinery to the flash tank of the clarifier for sedimentation during which the impurities settle down at the bottom of the tank leaving a supernatant layer of clear juice. The muddy sugar juice at the bottom of the clarifier is transferred into a vacuum filter or rotary mud filter for filtration during which the juice and mud cake are separated. Clear juice is recycled into the mini mixed/raw juice tank where as the mud cake is disposed off. Sugar Plant Project Manufacturers India. |
2.4 | In order to concentrate the clarified juice in the plant machinery it is processed for vacuum evaporation to remove most of the water. In this process, multiple vacuum-boiling cells are arranged in series so that each succeeding cell has a higher vacuum (and therefore boils at a lower temperature). The vapors from one body can thus boil the juice in the next one. Steam is introduced into the first cell to initiate the evaporation process, a method call multiple-effect evaporation. |
2.5 | The syrup is pumped directly from the evaporator to the syrup sulphitation tower. Sulphated syrup is pumped to syrup storage tank on the pan floor level. |
Crystallization, Drying & Packing
3.1 | Next, the syrupy solution is vacuum- crystallized to form sugar crystals, where as, the remaining liquid is removed using centrifugaling and drying. Crystallization takes place in a single-stage vacuum pan. The syrup is evaporated until saturated with sugar. As soon as the saturation point has been exceeded, small grains of sugar are added to the pan, or “strike.” These small grains, called seed, serve as nuclei for the formation of sugar crystals. Additional syrup is added to the strike and evaporated so that the original crystals that were formed are allowed to grow in size. The growth of the crystals continues until the pan is full. |
3.2 | When sucrose concentration reaches the desired level, the dense mixture of syrup and sugar crystals, called massecuite, is discharged into large containers known as crystallizers. Crystallization continues in the crystallizers as the massecuite is slowly stirred and simultaneously cooled. |
3.3 | Massecuite is then allowed to flow into centrifugals, where it is separated into the thick syrup, or molasses, and raw sugar crystals by the revolving high speed centrifugal action. A centrifugal machine has a cylindrical basket suspended on a spindle, with perforated sides lined with wire cloth, inside which are metal sheets containing 400 to 600 perforations per square inch. The basket revolves at speeds from 1,000 to 1,800 RPM. The raw sugar is retained in the centrifuge basket because the perforated lining retains the sugar crystals. The mother liquor, or molasses, passes through the lining (due to the centrifugal force exerted). The final molasses containing sucrose, reducing sugars, organic non sugars, ash, and water, is sent to large storage tanks. |
3.4 | Once the sugar is centrifuged the damp sugar crystals are tumbled through heated air in a rotary dryer (also referred to as granulator) for drying. |
3.5 | The dry sugar crystals are then sorted by size through vibrating screens (also referred to as grader). Sugar is then sent to be packed in the familiar. Sugar Plant Project Manufacturers India. |
Three Massecuites Boiling Method
Three massecuites boiling systems is normally adopted, in which, A, B and C Massecuites are boiled. A-massecuites is formed by boiling syrup, sugar melt ,‘A’ light molasses and on ‘B’-single cured sugar as seed. This A-Massecuite is boiled till it attains the required size of sugar crystal and it is dropped into crystallizers and cooled. After exhaustion of sugar in solution, the ‘A’ massecuite is passed on to the centrifugals for separating sugar crystals from the massecuite. The separated ‘A’ sugar is bagged after drying. ‘A’-Light and ‘A’-Heavy molasses are pumped to pan floor and are used for making ‘A’- and ‘B’-Massecuites respectively.
‘B’-Massecuite boiled in ‘B’ pans is dropped into B- Crystallizers and then it is cured in ‘B’-Centrifugal machines. ‘B’-heavy molasses and ‘B’-single cured sugar are obtained separately. ‘B’-single cured sugar is used as seed for A massecuite. ‘B’-heavy molasses is used for making ‘C’-Massecuite in C-pans. ‘C’-Massecuite is dropped into ‘C’-Crystallizers where it is cooled. ‘C’-Massecuite is then taken to ‘C’-fore worker centrifugal machines for curing. Final molasses and ‘C’-single cured sugar are obtained. ‘C’ Single cured sugar is again cured in another centrifugal machine in which ‘C’-double cured sugar and ‘C’-light molasses are obtained. ‘C’-light molasses are taken to pan floor and is used in making ‘C’-Massecuite. ‘C’-double cured sugar is melted and is used in making ‘A’ Massecuite. Sugar Plant Project Manufacturers India .
By Products
One of the by products, bagasse, produced after extracting the juice from sugar cane is used as fuel to generate steam in factories. Increasingly large amounts of bagasse are being made into paper, insulating board, and hardboard. Molasses, another by-product, is used in cattle feed as well as in the production of industrial alcohol, yeast, organic chemicals, and rum.
ASHOKA one of the leading Sugar Plant Project Manufacturers India, offers one stop solution for modern & right from concept to commissioning. After obtaining the broad requirements from a prospect client the most suitable project in terms of capacity and equipment selection are worked upon by our specialists and experienced consultants. The shape of the project is then conceived by generating a pre-feasibility report (PFR) followed by detailed project report (DPR) by our technical as well as commercial evaluation groups. Proper project scheduling and contract programming is prepared using special computer aided software. Every contract taken under Sugar Plant Project Manufacturers India , is held to a time bound plan of action which is continuously monitored by the project management team assigned to the relevant project.